Understanding the Purpose of Pediatric Physicals: Beyond Routine Check-Ups

Dr. Jeff Couchman, Dr. Joshua Yell, Dr. Susan McMahon, and Dr. Nicole Abdy are dedicated to children’s health and wellness, beginning with thorough pediatric preventive visits for children of all ages at Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ.

Understanding Pediatric Preventive Visits and Their Importance

 Pediatric preventive visits are more than just something to check off your to-do list. They play an integral role in maintaining the health, wellness, and development of children. Learn more about how in the guide below from Dr. Couchman, Dr. Yell, Dr. McMahon, Dr. Abdy, and the rest of the team at Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ.

Many Health Issues Begin Early in Life

Did you know that signs of heart and lung issues – just to name two examples – can be present in children? These issues might not be causing too much trouble yet, but as children grow into adults, the issues can be detrimental.

Preventive visits are not only about physical health, either. Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, have risen sharply in the last few years and often show up in adolescence and even in early childhood.

Preventive visits provide an opportunity to catch most – if not all – of these issues before they become too severe. Your child will be physically examined from head to toe, their vitals will be checked, their vision and hearing can be screened, and their mental and emotional health will be assessed. Your pediatrician can identify signs of developing problems and recommend the best course of treatment.

Your pediatric team will also provide the necessary vaccinations at these appointments. Such vaccinations are key to protecting your child from debilitating or potentially fatal illnesses.

Children Are Constantly Growing and Changing

Children and teens seem to grow and change physically, socially, and cognitively before our eyes. The key is ensuring that these changes are on par with their age and that they are moving in a healthy direction – two goals of pediatric preventive visits.

Parenting Is an Ongoing Learning Experience

 No matter how many children you have, there will always be new challenges. Your child’s pediatrician is committed to the health of your child, which means ensuring you have the knowledge, tools, and resources to support their health. Preventive visits offer the opportunity for parents to voice their concerns, ask questions, and get the guidance they need, empowering them to care for their children in the healthiest, most confident way possible.

Schedule your child’s physical with Dr. Couchman, Dr. Yell, Dr. McMahon, or Dr. Abdy at Mesquite Pediatrics in Tucson, AZ, by calling (520) 648-5437 today.

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